20% of Bitcoin hash rate could go offline after halving — Exclusive Galaxy Digital

The Bitcoin hash rate, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, is undergoing a major change in its network dynamics. The event, known as “Bitcoin Halving, is expected to occur in May 2024 and will reduce the number of new bitcoins created every 10 minutes by half. This will have a significant impact on the bitcoin hash rate, which measures the computing power of the miners who secure the network and process transactions.

20% of Bitcoin hash rate could go offline after halving — Galaxy Digital

What does the Bitcoin hash rate halving entail, and why is it significant?

The Bitcoin halving is a pre-programmed feature of the Bitcoin protocol that occurs roughly every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined. The halving reduces the block reward, which is the amount of new bitcoins that miners receive for finding a valid block. The block reward started at 50 bitcoins in 2009 and has halved three times so far, reaching 6.25 bitcoins in 2020. The next halving will bring it down to 3.125 bitcoins per block.

The Bitcoin halving is designed to ensure that the total supply of bitcoins will never exceed 21 million, which is the hard cap set by the protocol. This makes Bitcoin a scarce and deflationary asset, unlike fiat currencies that can be printed at will by central banks. The halving also affects the inflation rate of bitcoin, which is the rate at which the supply of bitcoins increases over time. The inflation rate of Bitcoin is currently around 1.8% and will drop to 0.9% after the halving. This means that Bitcoin will become more scarce and valuable over time, as long as the demand for it remains high.


How does the Bitcoin halving affect the Bitcoin hash rate?

The Bitcoin hash rate is a measure of the total computing power of the miners who participate in the network. The higher the hash rate, the more secure and robust the network is, as it becomes harder for malicious actors to attack or manipulate it. The hash rate also reflects the profitability and competitiveness of the mining industry, as miners invest in more hardware and electricity to gain an edge over their rivals.

The Bitcoin halving affects the hash rate by changing the economic incentives of miners. Since the block reward is the main source of income for the miners, a lower block reward means lower revenue for the same amount of work. This means that some miners may become unprofitable and decide to shut down their operations or switch to other cryptocurrencies. This will reduce the hash rate of the network, as less computing power will be available to secure it.

According to a recent report by Galaxy Digital, a leading digital asset management firm, the upcoming Bitcoin halving could result in a 20% drop in the hash rate, as some miners will be forced to exit the market. The report estimates that the breakeven cost of mining one bitcoin will increase from $7,000 to $12,525 after the halving, assuming no change in the price of bitcoin, the difficulty of mining, or the efficiency of the mining hardware. This means that miners who are operating at a margin below 45% will be at risk of becoming unprofitable and shutting down.

What are the implications of a lower hash rate for the Bitcoin network?

A lower hash rate does not necessarily mean that the Bitcoin network is less secure or functional. The Bitcoin protocol has a built-in mechanism that adjusts the difficulty of mining every 2016 block, or roughly every two weeks, to ensure that the average time between blocks remains at 10 minutes. This means that if the hash rate drops, the difficulty will also drop, making it easier for the remaining miners to find blocks and maintain the network. Conversely, if the hash rate increases, the difficulty will also increase, making it harder for the miners to find blocks and keeping the network stable.


However, a lower hash rate could also have some negative consequences for the Bitcoin network. For one, it could increase the variance of the block time, which is the actual time between blocks. This could lead to longer or shorter intervals between blocks, affecting the confirmation time and the throughput of the network. For example, if the hash rate drops by 20%, the average block time could increase from 10 minutes to 12.5 minutes, reducing the number of transactions that can be processed per hour. This could also increase the fees that users have to pay to get their transactions confirmed faster.

Another potential risk of a lower hash rate is the possibility of a 51% attack, which is when a single entity or a group of entities controls more than half of the hash rate and can manipulate the network. A 51% attack could allow the attackers to censor or reverse transactions, double-spend bitcoins, or prevent other miners from finding blocks. However, this scenario is very unlikely, as it would require a huge amount of resources and coordination and would be easily detected and countered by the rest of the network. Moreover, such an attack would be irrational and self-defeating, as it would undermine the value and trust of the network that the attackers are trying to exploit.

What are the opportunities and challenges for the Bitcoin ecosystem after the halving?

The Bitcoin halving is a pivotal event that will shape the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem. It will test the resilience and adaptability of the miners, the users, and the developers as they face new economic realities and technical challenges. It will also create new opportunities and incentives for innovation and growth as the network evolves and matures.

Some of the opportunities and challenges that the Bitcoin ecosystem will face after the halving are:

Bitcoin mining: The Bitcoin halving will force the miners to optimize their operations and seek new sources of revenue and efficiency. The miners will have to upgrade their hardware, reduce their costs, diversify their income streams, and collaborate with other stakeholders. The halving will also accelerate the consolidation and professionalization of the mining industry, as smaller and less efficient miners will be squeezed out by larger and more competitive ones. The halving will also encourage the development and adoption of renewable and green energy sources, as the miners will seek to reduce their environmental impact and comply with regulatory standards.

Bitcoin price: The Bitcoin halving will affect the supply and demand dynamics of the Bitcoin market, as the new supply of bitcoins will decrease and the scarcity and value of bitcoins will increase. The halving will also affect the expectations and sentiments of investors, traders, and speculators as they anticipate and react to the changes in the network and the price.

The halving will also influence the adoption and awareness of Bitcoin, as it will attract more attention and interest from the media, the public, and institutions. The halving will also create new opportunities and challenges for the Bitcoin ETFs, which are exchange-traded funds that track the price of bitcoin and allow investors to access the market without owning or storing bitcoins.

Bitcoin network security: The Bitcoin halving will affect the security and robustness of the Bitcoin network, as the hash rate and the difficulty will adjust to the new economic conditions. The halving will also affect the performance and functionality of the network, as the block time and the fees will vary depending on the hash rate and the demand.

The halving will also affect the innovation and development of the Bitcoin protocol, as the developers will have to address the technical issues and improve the scalability and usability of the network. The halving will also encourage the adoption and integration of the Bitcoin layer 2 solutions, which are protocols that operate on top of the Bitcoin network and provide faster, cheaper, and more flexible transactions.


Bitcoin onchain activity: The Bitcoin halving will affect the onchain activity and behavior of the Bitcoin users, as they will have to adjust to the new network conditions and market trends. The halving will also affect the diversity and complexity of the onchain transactions, as the users will have to optimize their spending and saving strategies and explore new use cases and applications. The halving will also affect the growth and development of the Bitcoin NFTs, which are non-fungible tokens that represent unique and scarce digital assets on the Bitcoin network, such as art, collectibles, gaming, and identity.

20% of Bitcoin hash rate could go offline after halving — Galaxy Digital

How does the difficulty of mining work in Bitcoin?

The difficulty of mining in Bitcoin is a measure of how hard it is to find a valid block that satisfies the network’s consensus rules. The difficulty adjusts every 2016 block, or roughly every two weeks, to ensure that the average time between blocks remains at 10 minutes. The difficulty depends on the total hash rate of the network, which is the combined computing power of all the miners. If the hash rate increases, the difficulty also increases, making it harder for the miners to find blocks. If the hash rate decreases, the difficulty also decreases, making it easier for the miners to find blocks.


The difficulty is calculated by comparing the current block’s hash with a target value, which is a 256-bit number. The block’s hash must be less than or equal to the target value for the block to be valid. The target value is inversely proportional to the difficulty, meaning that a higher difficulty implies a lower target value, and vice versa. The target value is adjusted every 2016 block by using the following formula:

New target=Old target×(Actual time taken to mine 2016 blocks; expected time to mine 2016 blocks)

The expected time to mine 2016 blocks is 20160 minutes, or two weeks. The actual time taken to mine 2016 blocks is measured by comparing the timestamps of the first and last blocks in the 2016-block interval. The new target value cannot be more than 4 times or less than 1/4 of the old target value to prevent extreme changes in difficulty. The difficulty is derived from the target value by using the following formula:

Difficulty=Maximum target valuecurrent target value

The maximum target value is a constant that represents the lowest possible difficulty. The current target value is the target value that is used to validate the current block. The difficulty is a dimensionless number that indicates how many times harder it is to find a valid block than the easiest possible block. The difficulty is usually expressed in scientific notation, such as 1.23e+12, or in decimal notation, such as 1230000000000. The difficulty can also be expressed as the number of leading zeros in the target value’s hexadecimal representation, such as 18 zeros. The more leading zeros, the higher the difficulty.

How does mining work in Bitcoin?

Mining is the process of validating and adding new transactions to the Bitcoin network. Miners use specialized hardware and software to solve complex mathematical problems and compete for the right to create new blocks of transactions. The difficulty of these problems adjusts every 2016 block, or about two weeks, to maintain a 10-minute average block time. Miners receive a reward of newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees for each block they create. Mining secures the network, prevents double-spending, and introduces new bitcoins into circulation. You can learn more about mining from these sources:



The Bitcoin halving is a historic and transformative event that will have profound implications for the Bitcoin network and the Bitcoin ecosystem. The halving will reduce the new supply of bitcoins, increase the scarcity and value of bitcoins, and change the economic incentives and challenges of the miners, the users, and the developers. The halving will also create new opportunities and risks for the Bitcoin market, Bitcoin network security, Bitcoin onchain activity, and Bitcoin innovation and adoption. The halving will also showcase the resilience and adaptability of the Bitcoin network and the Bitcoin community as they overcome the difficulties and embrace the possibilities of the new era of Bitcoin.


Q: What is the Bitcoin halving, and when will it happen?

Ans. The bitcoin halving is an event that occurs roughly every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined, and reduces the amount of new bitcoins created by half. The next Bitcoin halving is expected to happen in May 2024 and will lower the block reward from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins per block. [^1^][1]

Q: How does the Bitcoin halving affect the Bitcoin hash rate?

Ans. The Bitcoin hash rate is a measure of the total computing power of the miners who secure the network and process transactions. The Bitcoin halving affects the hash rate by changing the economic incentives of miners. Since the block reward is the main source of income for the miners, a lower block reward means lower revenue for the same amount of work. This means that some miners may become unprofitable and decide to shut down their operations or switch to other cryptocurrencies. This will reduce the hash rate of the network, as less computing power will be available to secure it. [^2^][2]

Q: How does the Bitcoin halving affect the Bitcoin price?

Ans. The bitcoin halving affects the supply and demand dynamics of the bitcoin market, as the new supply of bitcoins will decrease and the scarcity and value of bitcoins will increase. The halving also affects the expectations and sentiments of the investors, traders, and speculators, as they anticipate and react to the changes in the network and the price. The halving also influences the adoption and awareness of Bitcoin, as it attracts more attention and interest from the media, the public, and institutions. The halving also creates new opportunities and challenges for the Bitcoin ETFs, which are exchange-traded funds that track the price of bitcoin and allow investors to access the market without owning or storing bitcoins. [^3^][3]

Q: How does the Bitcoin halving affect the Bitcoin network security?

Ans. The Bitcoin halving affects the security and robustness of the Bitcoin network, as the hash rate and difficulty will adjust to the new economic conditions. The halving also affects the performance and functionality of the network, as the block time and the fees will vary depending on the hash rate and the demand. The halving also affects the innovation and development of the Bitcoin protocol, as the developers will have to address the technical issues and improve the scalability and usability of the network.

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