Bitcoin halving, spot ETF approval set stage for next crypto bull run reliable 2024

The spot ETF market is known for its volatility and unpredictability, but also for its potential to generate massive returns for investors who can navigate the risks and opportunities. In the past decade, the crypto space has witnessed several cycles of boom and bust, each driven by different factors and events.

Bitcoin halving, spot ETF approval set stage for next crypto bull run

Spot ETF approval set stage for next crypto bull run

The most recent cycle, which started in late 2020 and peaked in early 2021, saw Bitcoin reach a new all-time high of over $60,000, followed by a sharp correction that brought it down to around $30,000. Many analysts and experts have been speculating on what will trigger the next crypto bull run and when it will happen. In this article, we will explore some of the key catalysts and indicators that could set the stage for the next crypto bull run and what it could mean for investors and the industry.


What is a crypto bull run?

A crypto bull run is a period of sustained and significant increases in the prices and market capitalization of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, which is the largest and most influential crypto asset. A crypto bull run is usually accompanied by positive market sentiment, high trading volume, increased media attention, and growing adoption by institutional and retail investors. A crypto bull run can last from several months to a few years, depending on the market conditions and the underlying drivers.

What are the main drivers of a crypto bull run?

There is no definitive answer to what causes a crypto bull run, as different factors may have different impacts on different cycles. However, some of the common drivers that have been observed in previous and current crypto bull runs are:

Bitcoin halving: Bitcoin halving is a process that occurs every four years in which the reward for mining new blocks of Bitcoin is reduced by half. This induces a supply shock, reducing the influx of new Bitcoin into the market while demand either remains constant or sees an increase.

This creates a scarcity effect, which drives up the price of Bitcoin. The next Bitcoin halving is expected to happen in April 2024, and many analysts believe that it will be a major catalyst for the next crypto bull run, as it has been in the past. For instance, the first Bitcoin halving in 2012 was followed by a 9000% increase in Bitcoin price in the next year, while the second Bitcoin halving in 2016 was followed by a 3000% increase in Bitcoin price in the next year.

Spot ETF approval: A spot ETF, or exchange-traded fund, is a type of investment vehicle that tracks the market price of an underlying asset, such as Bitcoin, and allows investors to buy and sell shares of the fund on a regulated exchange without having to own or store the asset directly. A spot ETF provides several benefits for investors, such as lower fees, higher liquidity, tax efficiency, and regulatory compliance.


A spot ETF also opens the door for more institutional and retail investors to enter the crypto market, as it lowers the barriers of entry and reduces the risks associated with crypto custody and security. The approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been one of the most anticipated and awaited events in the crypto space, as it would signal a major milestone for the legitimacy and maturity of the crypto industry.

However, the SEC has so far rejected or delayed several applications for a spot Bitcoin ETF, citing concerns over market manipulation, fraud, and investor protection. The most recent application, submitted by Wall Street giant BlackRock, has sparked renewed optimism and speculation, as BlackRock is one of the largest and most respected asset managers globally, managing assets exceeding $9 trillion. If BlackRock’s spot Bitcoin ETF gets approved, it could trigger a massive influx of capital into the crypto market and pave the way for more spot ETFs to follow. Some analysts estimate that a spot Bitcoin ETF could attract as much as $50 billion in assets in the first year of trading.

Crypto market sentiment: Crypto market sentiment is the overall attitude and emotion of the crypto community and the general public towards the crypto industry and its prospects. Crypto market sentiment can be influenced by various factors, such as news, events, trends, social media, influencers, celebrities, and word-of-mouth. Crypto market sentiment can have a significant impact on the prices and movements of cryptocurrencies, as it reflects the level of confidence, enthusiasm, fear, or uncertainty among investors and traders.

Crypto market sentiment can be measured by various tools and indicators, such as the Crypto Fear & Greed Index, which aggregates data from sources such as volatility, volume, social media, surveys, and dominance and assigns a score from 0 to 100, where 0 means extreme fear and 100 means extreme greed. A high score indicates that the market is overbought and due for a correction, while a low score indicates that the market is oversold and due for a rebound.

Currently, the Crypto Fear & Greed Index is at 54, which means that the market is in a neutral state, neither too fearful nor too greedy. This suggests that the market is waiting for a clear direction and a decisive catalyst to start the next crypto bull run.

What are the potential outcomes of a crypto bull run?

A crypto bull run can have various outcomes and implications for investors and the industry, depending on the magnitude, duration, and sustainability of the price appreciation. Some of the possible outcomes are:

Bitcoin price prediction: Bitcoin price prediction is one of the most popular and controversial topics in the crypto space, as different analysts and experts have different opinions and models to forecast the future value of Bitcoin. Some of the most bullish predictions for Bitcoin price in the next crypto bull run are based on the stock-to-flow model, which compares the existing supply of Bitcoin to the new supply generated by mining and assumes a positive correlation between scarcity and value. According to this model, the bitcoin price could reach as high as $160,000 by the end of 2024, based on the historical trend and the effect of the next halving.


However, this model has also been criticized for its simplicity and lack of empirical validation, and some analysts argue that Bitcoin prices are more influenced by demand factors, such as adoption, innovation, and regulation, than by supply factors, such as halving. Therefore, Bitcoin price prediction is not an exact science, and investors should be cautious and realistic when making their own projections and decisions.

Crypto investment opportunities: A crypto bull run can create various investment opportunities for investors who are interested in diversifying their portfolio and increasing their exposure to the crypto market. Besides buying and holding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, investors can also explore other options, such as:

Crypto derivatives: Crypto derivatives are financial contracts that derive their value from the performance of an underlying crypto asset, such as Bitcoin. Crypto derivatives can be used for various purposes, such as hedging, speculation, arbitrage, and leverage. Some of the most common types of crypto derivatives are futures, options, swaps, and perpetual contracts. Crypto derivatives can offer investors more flexibility, liquidity, and efficiency, but they also entail higher risks and complexity. Investors should be familiar with the mechanics and risks of crypto derivatives before trading them and only use reputable and regulated platforms, such as CME, Bakkt, and FTX.

Crypto funds: Crypto funds are pooled investment vehicles that invest in a basket of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins. Crypto funds can be either passive or active, depending on their strategy and management. Passive crypto funds, such as index funds and ETFs, aim to track the performance of a predefined crypto index or benchmark, such as the Bitcoin Price Index or the Crypto 20 Index. Active crypto funds, such as hedge funds and venture capital funds, aim to outperform the market by applying various techniques, such as trading, arbitrage, lending, staking, and investing in early-stage projects.

Crypto funds can offer investors more diversification, convenience, and professional expertise, but they also entail higher fees, lower transparency, and regulatory uncertainty. Investors should be careful and diligent when choosing a crypto fund and only invest in reputable and regulated funds, such as Grayscale, Bitwise, and Pantera.

Crypto staking: Crypto staking is a process that involves locking up a certain amount of crypto assets in a wallet or a platform in order to participate in the network security and governance of a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, such as Ethereum 2.0, Cardano, or Polkadot. Crypto staking can reward investors with passive income in the form of newly minted tokens or transaction fees, depending on the protocol and the platform. Crypto staking can also give investors more influence and voting power over network decisions and upgrades.

Crypto staking can offer investors more utility, yield, and engagement, but it also entails higher risks and complexity, such as lock-up periods, slashing penalties, and technical issues. Investors should be aware and informed of the staking requirements, rewards, and risks of each PoS blockchain and only use secure and reliable wallets or platforms, such as Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken.

What is DeFi?

DeFi, short for decentralized finance, is a term that describes peer-to-peer financial services that run on public blockchains, mainly Ethereum. DeFi allows people to access various financial products and services, such as lending, borrowing, trading, saving, and investing, without intermediaries like banks or brokers. DeFi is powered by smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements that enforce the rules and terms of a transaction. DeFi aims to create a more open, transparent, and inclusive financial system that is accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Some of the benefits of DeFi are:

Openness: Anyone can participate in DeFi without having to provide personal information, apply for an account, or meet any eligibility criteria.
Versatility: Users have the freedom to swiftly move their assets across various platforms and services without seeking approval, enduring prolonged transfers, or incurring exorbitant fees.

Transparency: All transactions and activities on DeFi are recorded and verified on the blockchain, which means that everyone can see and audit them.
Innovation: DeFi enables new and creative ways of interacting with money and assets, such as yield farming, liquidity mining, flash loans, and NFTs.

Bitcoin halving, spot ETF approval set stage for next crypto bull run

Some of the challenges and risks of DeFi are:

Volatility: The prices and rates of DeFi assets and services can fluctuate significantly and unpredictably due to market forces, speculation, and external events.
Complexity: DeFi involves various technical and financial concepts and mechanisms, which can be difficult to understand and use for beginners and even experts.
Security: DeFi relies on the security and reliability of the underlying smart contracts and protocols, which can have bugs, errors, or vulnerabilities that can lead to hacks, thefts, or losses.
Regulation: DeFi operates in a largely unregulated and uncertain legal environment, which can pose various legal and compliance issues for users and developers.

Therefore, DeFi is an exciting and promising field of innovation, but also a complex and risky one. Users and investors should do their own research, understand the benefits and risks, and exercise caution and responsibility when engaging with DeFi

What are some popular DeFi platforms?

DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a term that describes peer-to-peer financial services that run on public blockchains, mainly Ethereum. DeFi allows people to access various financial products and services, such as lending, borrowing, trading, saving, and investing, without intermediaries like banks or brokers. DeFi is powered by smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements that enforce the rules and terms of a transaction.

Here are a few of the widely embraced DeFi platforms:

Uniswap: Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to swap any two tokens on the Ethereum network without intermediaries or fees. Uniswap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model, which relies on liquidity pools of tokens provided by users rather than order books. Uniswap also has its own governance token, UNI, which gives holders voting rights over the protocol’s development and future.

Aave: Aave is a decentralized lending and borrowing platform that allows users to deposit and withdraw various crypto assets and earn interest or pay fees accordingly. Aave supports a variety of features, such as flash loans, collateral swapping, and rate switching. AAVE also has its own governance token, which gives holders control over the protocol’s parameters and upgrades.

Maker: Maker is a decentralized credit platform that allows users to generate DAI, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, by locking up collateral in smart contracts. Maker also has a dual-token system, consisting of MKR, the governance token that regulates the system’s stability and risk, and DAI, the stablecoin that can be used for payments, savings, and trading.

Compound: Compound is a decentralized money market platform that allows users to supply and borrow various crypto assets and earn interest or pay fees accordingly. Compound uses a pool-based model, where each asset has its own market and interest rate, determined by supply and demand. Compound also has its own governance token, COMP, which gives holders the ability to propose and vote on changes to the protocol.

Yearn Finance: Yearn Finance is a decentralized aggregator platform that allows users to optimize their yield farming strategies across different DeFi protocols, such as Aave, Compound, and Curve. Yearn Finance uses smart contracts to automatically allocate users’ funds to the most profitable opportunities based on factors such as risk, reward, and fees. Yearn Finance also has its own governance token, YFI, which gives holders the power to govern the platform and its features.

These are some of the most popular DeFi platforms, but there are many more that offer different services and solutions for the crypto community. DeFi is a fast-growing and innovative field, and investors should do their own research and understand the benefits and risks before engaging with any DeFi platform.


The cryptocurrency market continually evolves, offering fresh challenges and opportunities for both investors and the industry. The upcoming bullish trend in the cryptosphere has the potential to become a pivotal and transformative event in its history.

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